Democratic County Commissioners

Marcia Hovey Wright

District 4

Marcia is our District 4 county commissioner and a well-known advocate for all of the residents of Muskegon County. She served six years in the Michigan State House representing Muskegon, Muskegon Heights and Muskegon Township. She was elected to the Muskegon County Commission in 2018 and has been a champion for governmental transparency and fiscal responsibility and maintaining vital county services. Marcia has consistently made decisions based on science and best practices. At times, she has been the only person willing to stand up to the radical, right wing bullies who have tried to destroy county government. She played an integral role in saving funding for mental health services in Muskegon County in 2022. Her campaign motto is: “Courage, Compassion, Commitment”.

Charles Nash

District 5

Charles is our county commissioner in the newly formed District 5 that includes Muskegon Township and the eastern part of the City of Muskegon. He brings extensive experience in county government, has served as Vice Chair of the Commission and has consistently represented the best interests of the hard working men and women of his district. Over the past several years, Charles stood up for the most vulnerable residents of our community who have been victimized by the far right Republicans on the commission, often enduring personal attacks himself. His campaign motto is: “A Servant of the People.”



Jessica Cook

District 6

Jessica is our District 6 county commissioner and has a wide range of public service experience. She is the former Executive Director of the North Muskegon Education Foundation, a member of the Muskegon Downtown Development Authority and the Nelson Neighborhood Improvement Association. Currently, Jessica is a talent and human resources analyst for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Her priorities include adequate funding for public and mental health, support for emergency services and expanded public access to our natural resources. She is committed to restoring a sense of civility and sensible decision making on the County Board. Her campaign motto is: “Bringing People Together”.

Darrell Paige

District 7

Darrell Paige, long time resident of Muskegon Heights, is our District 7 county commissioner. A graduate of GVSU, Darrell served two terms as the mayor of Muskegon Heights and has worked as a dean of students for both Muskegon Heights and Muskegon Public Schools. Darrell played an instrumental role in guiding the City of Muskegon Heights through a period of extreme cost cutting measures to avoid a state takeover by an emergency manager. His top priorities are funding for infrastructure and roads, social services, and public safety. His campaign motto is: “Trusted and Experienced Leadership for a better Muskegon County.”